Unfortunately the 737-700 was particularly prone to a dramatic shudder from the
main landing gear if you tried to land smoothly. Fortunately Boeing started
fitting shimmy dampers to this series from L/N 406 (Nov 1999) and a retrofit was
made available.
One of the peculiarities of the 737 is that it invariably appears to crab
when taxying. Theories for this include: A slightly castoring main gear to
increase the crosswind capability; Play in the scissor link pins;
Weather-cocking into any crosswind impinging on the fin; Torque reaction from
the anti-collision light !!! Engineers will tell you that is due to the
main gear having a couple of degrees of play due to the shimmy dampers.
Tyres are tubeless and inflated with nitrogen. Pressures vary with series,
maximum taxi weight, temperature and size of tyres. Unfortunately this large
variation in tyre pressures makes it difficult to know your aquaplaning speed.
The table below should prove helpful, notice how the aquaplaning speeds are all
just below the typical landing speeds. Note: Once aquaplaning has started, it will continue to a much lower speed.
Series | Main Gear | Aquaplaning Speed | Nose Gear | Aquaplaning Speed |
Originals | 96 - 183psi | 84 - 116Kts | 125 - 145psi | 96 - 104Kts |
Classics | 185 - 217psi | 118 - 128Kts | 163 - 194psi | 111 - 121Kts |
NG's | 117 - 205psi | 93 - 123Kts | 123 - 208psi | 95 - 124Kts |
Another oddity of the 737 is the resonant vibration during taxying that
occurs at approx 17kts in classics and 24kts in NG's. This is due to tyre "cold
set". This is a temporary flat spot that occurs in tyres with nylon chord (ie
all Boeing tyres) when hot tyres are parked and they cool to ambient
temperature. Hence the reason why the flat spot is most pronounced in cold
weather and tends to disappear during taxying as the tyres warm up again.
speed rating of all tyres is 225mph (195kts).
Gear Seals
These were soon dropped as being too complicated and a similar drag and noise
advantage was achieved with the present fixed rubber seals.
The standard 737 brakes are a steel alloy called Cerametalix(R) with
versions made by either Goodrich or Honeywell. Since 2008 the 737NG has
had a carbon brake option from either Goodrich with Duracarb(R) or
Messier-Bugatti with SepCarb® III-OR. They are both about 300kgs lighter
than steel and last twice as long.
The brake pressure gauge merely shows the pressure of the air side of the
accumulator and should normally indicate 3000psi. The normal brake system and autobrakes are powered by hydraulic system B.
If brake pressure drops below 1500psi, hydraulic system A automatically provides
alternate brakes which are manual only (ie no autobrake) and the brake pressure
returns to 3000psi. Antiskid is available with alternate brakes, but not touchdown
or locked wheel protection on series before the NG's.
If both system A and B lose pressure, the accumulator isolation valve closes
at 1900psi and you are just left with residual hydraulic pressure and the
pre-charge. The gauge will indicate approx 3000psi and should provide 6 full
applications of brake power through the normal brake lines (so full antiskid
is available) As the brakes are applied the residual pressure reduces until it
reaches 1000psi at which point you will have no more braking available.
If the brake pressure gauge ever shows zero, this merely indicates
that the pre-charge has leaked out, normal and alternate braking are unaffected
if you still have the hydraulic systems (see QRH).
The accumulator also provides pressure for the parking brake.
Note that on the 737-1/200, hydraulic system A operates the inboard brakes
and system B operates the outboard brakes. Both brake pressures are indicated on
the single hydraulic brake pressure gauge.
There are four thermal fuse plugs in the inner wheel half which
prevent tyre explosion caused by hot brakes. The plugs melt to release
tyre pressure at approx 177C (351F).
Brake Pressure Indication (psi) | Condition |
3000 | Normal. |
3000 | No hydraulics, minimum 6 applications of brakes available with accumulator. |
1000 | No hydraulics, accumulator used up. |
Zero | No pre-charge, normal braking available with hydraulics. |
Brake Accumulator
Brake Wear Pin
Autobrake Selector
Max Pressure at Brakes (PSI)
Deceleration Rate (ft/sec²)
12 (below 80kts)
14 (above 80kts)
Not Controlled
There is an "on ramp" period where autobrake pressure is applied
over a period of time. Approximately 750psi is applied in 1.75 sec, then the
pressures above are reached in another 1.25sec for autobrakes 1, 2, or 3 and
approx. 1.0 sec for autobrake MAX.
Notice from the table above that autobrake Max does not give full brake
pressure. For absolute maximum braking on landing, select autobrake Max to
assure immediate application after touch down then override with full toe brake
Using high autobrake settings with idle reverse is particularly hard on the brakes as
they will be working for the given deceleration rate without the assistance of
full reverse thrust.
To cancel the autobrake on the landing roll with toe brakes you must apply a
brake pressure in excess of 800psi (ie less than that required for autobrake 1).
This is more difficult on the NG's because the feedback springs on the brake
pedals are stiffer. Autobrake can also be cancelled by putting the speedbrake
lever down or by switching the autobrake off. I would advise against the latter
in case you accidentally select RTO and get the full 3000psi of braking!
Occasionally you may see the brakes (rather than the cabin crew!) smoking
during a turnaround. This may be due to hard braking at high landing weights.
But the most common reason is that too much grease is put on the axle at wheel
change so that when the wheel is pushed on, the grease is deposited inside the
torque tube; when this gets hot, it smokes. It could also be contamination from
hydraulic fluid either from bleeding operation or a leak either from the brakes
or another source.
The landing gear panel is located between the engine instruments and F/O's
instrument panel.
The Green lights tell you that the gear is down and locked and the red lights
warn you if the landing gear is in disagreement with the gear lever position. With the gear UP and locked and the lever UP or OFF, all lights should be extinguished. On a couple of occasions I have seen 3 reds and 3 greens after the gear has been selected down. This was because the telescopic gear handle had not fully compressed back toward the panel. If this happens to you, give it a tap back in and the red lights will extinguish. |
737's used for cargo operations
have an extra set of green "GEAR DOWN" lights on the aft overhead
panel. This is because with the cabin filled with freight, the main gear
downlock viewer could not be guaranteed to be accessible in-flight. The NG's also have these lights because they do not have gear downlock viewers installed. |
Main gear viewer (not NG's)
If any green gear lights do not illuminate after the gear is lowered, you might consider a visual inspection through the gear
viewers. The main
gear viewer is in the cabin and the nose gear viewer is on the flight deck. The
main gear viewers are not installed on NG series aircraft.
This is the main gear viewer and it is located in the isle, just behind the
emergency exit row. The first time you look through a viewer it will probably take you several minutes to find what you are looking for, hardly ideal if you are in the situation for real so it is worth acquainting yourself with its use. |
Main gear viewer prisms (not NG's)
There are two prisms, one for each main gear leg. Don't forget to
switch on the wheel-well light if at night.
Gear locked marks (not NG's)
Eventually, you should be able to see three red marks on the undercarriage, if they line up then your gear is certainly down and probably locked. |
Main wheel-well and downlock viewer
The location of the main gear downlock viewer in the wheel well can be clearly seen in this photograph. |
Nosegear viewer (not NG's)
The nosegear viewer is located under a panel toward the aft of the flightdeck.
There is no prism, just a long tube. This viewer directs your eye exactly toward
the correct place for viewing but is usually more dirty. The nosegear down marks are two red arrows pointing at each other. |
If the gear fails to extend properly or hydraulic system A is lost, the gear can be manually extended by pulling the manual gear extension handles, located in the flight deck. This should be done in accordance with the QRH procedure. On NG aircraft opening this hatch affects the operation of landing gear extension & retraction. |
This pin is designed to detect any loose tyre tread during gear retraction. If any object impacts on it during retraction, then the gear will automatically extend. The affected gear cannot be retracted until this fitting is replaced. There is one pin at the aft outside of each main wheel well. |
Other landing gear system
The landing systems in Boeing is a key issue in some past years but with the introduction of this landing system it has become easier to operate and risks have decreased up to a remarkable levels.
Henry Jordan
Hydraulic Seal Kits